Why use Audio Scriptr?

Valuable Feedback

You get valuable anonymous feedback on your scripts.

The Right Connections

We connect the right scripts to the right filmmakers.

You Choose the Entry Point

You get to choose the feature scenes that filmmakers will listen to before they request your whole script.


Audio Scriptr allows you to upload your script's pitch, synopsis, treatment, feature scenes, and the whole script. Because you select the featured scenes, you  have more control over which material filmmakers initially engage with.

Audio Scriptr provides you with a dashboard containing anonymous feedback so that you can better understand where their script sits within the market.

If you are are not confident in your voice, we provide a service of script readers for a fee. You can choose from a range of voices that best suits your script's needs.

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How It Works

2. Upload Audio

Upload audio versions of the synopsis, treatment, feature scenes and script.

3. Upload Additional Material

Upload any additional material that they would like to share with the filmmakers such as sizzles etc.

1. Upload Text

Upload your pitch, synopsis, treatment, feature scenes and the whole script.

About Audio Scriptr

Audio Scriptr is a company dedicated to building breakthrough technology in the audio world. Our technologies combine the latest software and analytics with reading, writing, and sound.


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